Book Details

Ant colony optimization

Personal Development
You have to get to page 99 to find an explanation of how to implement the algorithm. That explanation is much like the preceding material. A meandering outpouring of facts without much regard for consistency or clarity and an unnecessary tendency to over complicate. Caters to the research community at the expense of clarity to the student.The authors need to explain the algorithm first in clear and simple terms - then they can talk about optimizations!!! There is no point telling me how to optimize something you haven't fully explained.The consequence of the approach in this book is that finding out useful practical information becomes ordeal by treasure hunt. For example. Try finding an explanation for the derivation of the parameter for pheromome update. There's a nice greek symbol for it and it's between 0 and 1 but er..... thats it. If these guys are professors I pity their students.

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