Optimization for engineering design: algorithms and examples (Introduction only 45 page)
Personal Development
The book begins with simple single-variable optimization techniques, and then goes on to give unconstrained and constrained optimization techniques in a step-by-step format so that they can be coded in any user-specific computer language. In addition to classical optimization methods, the book also discusses Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing, which are widely used in engineering design problems because of their ability to find global optimum solutions. The second edition adds several new topics of optimization such as design and manufacturing, data fitting and regression, inverse problems, scheduling and routing, data mining, intelligent system design, Lagrangian duality theory, and quadratic programming and its extension to sequential quadratic programming. It also extensively revises the linear programming algorithms section in the Appendix. This edition also includes more number of exercise problems. The book is suitable for senior undergraduate/postgraduate students of mechanical, production and chemical engineering. Students in other branches of engineering offering optimization courses as well as designers and decision-makers will also find the book useful. Key Features Algorithms are presented in a step-by-step format to facilitate coding in a computer language. Sample computer programs in FORTRAN are appended for better comprehension. Worked-out examples are illustrated for easy understanding. The same example problems are solved with most algorithms for a comparative evaluation of the algorithms.