La géométrie et le quantique-CNRS
author : Alain Connes
Combien dure une seconde
Alain Connes
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Alain Connes
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Does anything eat wasps__ and 101 other unsettling, witty answers to questions you never thought you wanted to ask
Alain Connes
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Les équations de Maxwell de MacCullagh à Lorentz
Alain Connes
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Transurfing, modèle quantique de développement personnel, tome 2_ Le bruissement des étoile du matin-Exergue
Alain Connes
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For the Love of Physics From the End of the Rainbow to the Edge Of Time - A Journey Through the Wonders of Physics
Alain Connes
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einstein sil vous plait
Alain Connes
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Conceptual wavelets in digital signal processing_ an in-depth, practical approach for the non-mathematician
Alain Connes
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